The Tiger Reserve

00:30 - It’s time to reflect on what has been achieved so far!

1:15 - Amankas is an old friend of ours! 1:50 - The village of Karaoy

4:04 - Nothing can be done here except for research.

5:52 - The Karaoy residents are celebrating the Day of Reserves and National Parks on the Nauryz Day for the fourth time.

6:30 - Let’s save our nature together!

8:15 - the Tiger Reserve

9:00 - The most interesting will take place at night.

11:09 - Deer population recovery is one of the components of the tiger re- introduction project.

13:05 - Mikhail Goncharuk - Veterinarian

14:33 - Goitered gazelles

16:00 - At present, with the support of the WWF Central Asia Program the reserve’s Forestry and Research Units have been working to restore local tugai forests.

18:00 - Floodplain fires remain an extremely dire threat to tugai forests.

19:26 - Stay tuned for missions to no less fascinating corners of Central Asia.