Matchmaking – Kudalyk. What is the meaning of giving kiit, gifts to matchmakers?

The Kazakh people say «a son-in-law is a relative for hundred years, but parents-in-law are relatives for thousand years». What is the essence of serving liver cooked with tail fat to co-in-laws? What is the meaning of presenting expensive gifts to each other? We will answer these and other questions within half an hour. Hello dear viewers, you are watching «Qazaq Life: Dastur” with Tamara Asar! Today, we invited an ethnographer, a specialist, who knows everything about the Kazakh traditions, Daulet Zhailybaev. Since today’s theme is related to parents-in-law, I immediately want to ask a question. Why do Kazakhs keep saying «a son-in-law is a relative for hundred years, but parents-in-law are relatives for a thousand years»?